How to Make Money with Google Adsense $154 a Day in 2021

 How to Make Money with Google Adsense $154 a Day in 2021

Today so far this google Adsense account has made 97 dollars and 24 cents yesterday was a pretty good day made

so in today's video i want to show you how to make money with google adsense in 2021 i'm going to show you how to do this without any seo without waiting a long period of time for traffic
the method i'll show you today is brand new it's all about placing free ads on a very popular social media network it's 100 free and every time someone clicks from one of those ads onto google adsense on your account you can get paid anywhere from 30 cents to five dollars per click so if you want to learn this fast and easy method don't go anywhere hey guys my name is greg kononenko on this channel i publish regular videos on adsense affiliate marketing and traffic generation so if you are new to my channel and not yet subscribed then click subscribe just
below this video to stay notified of my future videos thank you let's get into it so the method that i want to share with you today is about putting these free posts these so-called free ads onto pinterest and i'm going to show you how to create these very simple images you can see the simple images on the screen here and how to get them to rank on the first page of pinterest search results so whenever somebody types in best credit cards how to get your pins to come up here on page one and it only literally takes one to two minutes to create each one of these pins now once you create them and once they start coming up for these various search terms on the front page of pinterest i  will show you how to get them to land onto your blog where you're going to have adsense ads for example when somebody searches for best credit cards and they see your pin here and they click on this pin
they can further click through onto this pin to travel to your website this example website here that opens up when we click this pin has got affiliate links which is also a really good way to monetize this
strategy you can absolutely do this as well but one of the simplest ways is to include google adsense into your website.

just type that into google sign up if you have to and um you can then use this keyword research tool so let me show you a couple of examples so in this screen we're going to type in a generic keyword such as for example climate change make sure that for your locations you've

chosen australia in the united kingdom and united states that's what i normally use and then we're going to click get results and let's take a look if you start posting information about climate change and you start trying to monetize it what kind of payouts you might get so you can see here um climate change top of page bit okay is 228 and top of

page bid high range is 773 not bad but then

if you look at the related keyword ideas

you can see that the payout is about 112

to 462.

0.06 and 131

okay so these kind of keywords they

this is the sort of the range that

you're dealing with and what this range


is how much a company that wants to

advertise is willing to pay you

to show your ad um if somebody clicks on

it so essentially if you had a page

about climate change and you were

showing google ads

this is an approximation of how much

that advertiser would pay

for that click so just to make sure that

this all makes sense

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