The Best Forex Trading Strategy For Beginners In 2021

The Best Forex Trading Strategy For Beginners In 2021

Hey hey what's up my friend in today's


training you'll discover the best forex trading strategy for beginners and here's the thing right this trading,strategy it doesn't only work for Forex can be applied to stocks the futures

market as well so this trading strategy is what I call the block trading strategy to block trading strategy so before I explain to you what this is about right I want to share with you the criteri right that went through my mind before I decided to share the strategy with you number one is that this trading strategy the pattern has to be easy to spot because new traders are a beginners they are not familiarize with the no price action analysis chat patterns and stuff like that so  made sure that this pattern is relatively easy to spot so for new trainers right they are able to in order to catch this number two there must be a sound logic to behind why this trading strategy works I fact for all strategy right.there must be a logic behind why it works if not right you you won't have the conviction to trade I and I'm a tree this pattern right this blop trading strategy it must take time right for it to happe meaning it takes time for the pattern to form if it forms too Quickly.

beginning beginners right they won't be able to catch it in time they'll be too slow to react so I make sure that this trading strategy it takes time to form so new traders they can catch it as well so the block trading strategy right the long set time right goes something like this the market is in a range and ideally you want 80 candles or more so don't have to be too you know. anal about this if you get seventy seven candles 75 it's fine as well but generally I just put here 80 candles or more the more candles the longer the range the better number to the price then approach the highs of resistance and then forms a tight consolidation otherwise known as a build-up right so this is what I'm looking for a tight. build-up and the highs of resistance number three I want the 20-period moving average to touch the lows of the build up to signal to me right that the market is about to make a move higher and before I place a buy stop order above the highs with a 380 our trailing stop loss so if you don't understand you know. all this technical term story share with you a ton of charts and examples cherry pick once okay a cherry pick it because it's much easier to illustrate those example so you understand what this dis means so as a rough idea right let me just sketch you how it looks like so market is in a range over here ideally about 80 candles range then it comes up to the heights of resistance and form a tight consolidation so this one is what we call a build up or what I call a below then you want to let the 20-period moving average which is this line over here touch the lows of the build up this signal Stewart that the market is now getting ready to break up there when that happens you place a buy stop order above this highs just above the heights of resistance and if the market breaks out and you go along with the stop-loss of 380 R as your trailing stop loss so I'll explain how that works with a few chatting examples but first right in the shot setup is just the opposite market again in a range 80 candles or more you want a price to approach the

lows of support and for me tight

consolidation then the 20-period moving

average it touched the highs of the

build up and then when that happens you

place a sell stop order below the lows

with three ATR trailing stop loss so why

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