EARN $1,000+ Searching GOOGLE for Free Workings 2021 | Make Money Online

 EARN $1,000+ Searching GOOGLE for Free  Workings 2021 | Make Money Online

hey you're about to make some money 

hey you're about to make some money online but i want to be honest with you this method is a lot of fun and it's also ver easy the big problem is that you will not become a millionaire you will not nfly in private jets with the lambo and the rari

and bentley but you can use some of the money you make to either buy yourself some cool stuff or you can use that money to reinvest

into making a lot more money with the money you make and then you can start making money

like this or you can start making money

like this this is all for free you don't need a website you don't need an audience

you don't need to create videos you can only just search on google and make money with this and the first step you need to go to is www

what's up takeoff drive it's andy fell i'm the norwegian

no bs youtube and affiliate marketing

coach and today i want to show you

a method where you can search on google

to make money online which is really

cool but before that

i want you to comment down below i want

to travel

to blank and give me a destination that

you would have a perfect vacation

i'm currently traveling the world i'm in


and next month i'm going to albania by

commenting you can enter to win a

thousand dollar course and with that

course you can quit your job

work from home or travel the world just

like me and the winner from last video

is i want to use a hundred dollars to

buy a christmas gift for my

four months young boy congratulations

for winning send me your email to andy

at ndf.com okay

the first thing you need to do to make

money with this is to go to this website

google.com and then you would head over

here and search for

microsoft rewards and click

on that now i know in this video it's

called searching on

google but it's only because that

keyword gets a lot of views on youtube

and i wanted to get this message to


across the world so more people can use


but it's actually making money searching


bing all right so all you have to do is

go on microsoft rewards

and click on that once you're inside

you can see that you can make money just


on bing and you can see that there's a

lot of fun a lot of

easy ways to earn right here and i'll

show you exactly how much you can make

in just a second but the next step

you need to do is sign up for free just

click on this button right here

real quick and if you don't have a

microsoft account

no this is literally my old

picture from ages ago yeah this is like

16 year old me when i was listening to


trivium and slipknot and bring me the


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